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Visit Montana || Great American West

Visit Montana Tours tend to fill up early. Booking in advance is suggested. 


From Crazy Horse to Custer and Deadwood to Devils Tower, the West is a colorful storybook spilling over with strong personalities, charming small towns, and profoundly historic landscapes. Discover some new chapters and write your own footnotes on this fun and engaging exploration.

The journey begins in Rapid City, then winds its way to the beautiful, pine-forested Black Hills of South Dakota. On the way to the heart of Custer State Park, we visit the area’s iconic masterpieces, Mount Rushmore and Crazy Horse Memorial. From our lodge, we’re poised to enjoy the park’s lakes, spires, wildlife, and trails. Next up – Wyoming! On our way to our historic hotel in Buffalo, we stop to marvel at the sacred, 1,267-foot-tall Devils Tower and take a walk around the base of this Lakota sacred site.

Bye bye Wyoming – Hello Montana! We cross the state line and visit the Little Bighorn Battlefield, spending time with a Crow guide who shares the Native American perspective. The day ends at a downtown boutique hotel in the mountain town of Red Lodge, with a night to enjoy the charming town on our own. In the morning, we travel over the amazing Beartooth Pass, winding its way to the “Top of the World,” then dropping down into Yellowstone National Park. Our last nights are spent in Yellowstone, with opportunities to view incredible wildlife, bubbling mudpots, steamy geysers, and colorful hot pools. After a full day of “Yellowstone,” we enjoy a farewell dinner.

We make our way to Bozeman the following morning for flights home.

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